Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another one bites the dust!

Well, another cycle has come and gone...  And I'm not sure that the supplements helped much!  My period was even shorter than before!  A whopping 2 whole days.  But I'm going to give these supplements another 2 months and then take it from there...

I am seriously considering deleting my facebook account!  EVERYONE is pregnant!!!  So many old friends/acquaintances from high school and college.  Today I'm just sick of hearing about them.  Usually it doesn't bother me...  But there are about 3-4 days a month that I just cannot stand to see or hear of a newly pregnant person!

We should be moving in march sometime.  After that, we'll hit the fertility thing hard core!  Balls to the walls baby making!

Happy New Year!  Let's hope 2010 is MY year :-)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rants, Falling off the wagon and New Stuff

So, it's been a while since I posted about my progress.  Well I sort of fell off the wagon as it were...  We had family come into town and I couldn't find the time to make the gobelly guck.  And then on Sunday morning after they left I was just about to make some when I got a terrible phone call.  One of my really close friends lost her baby at 37 weeks.  After that call, nothing seemed important enough to do that day.  I basically stayed in bed for most of the day and cried for her.

So, it seems as though everyone around me is pregnant!  Friends from high school that I've reconnected with through facebook and many of the mommies in my playgroup.  This is getting a little more difficult to deal with.  Especially when it's right in your face!  Don't get me wrong...  I am sincerely happy for them.  But I am getting more and more sad for me.  And for my son.  Who may never know the feeling of being a big brother.

So, here's my plan!  I've started on the herbal supplements.  Bromelain and Vitex.  I take 1 of each in the morning and in the evening on an empty stomach.  I have noticed a very slight change in my cycle already.  It's taking me a little longer to ovulate!  Which is great!  I am also taking a multi vitamin.  In the mean time, my husband and I have been discussing a couple of options.  Here's what we have decided.  He is going to quit his job.  We'll go on welfare and I'll start smoking crack.  And we'll only have sex in the back seat of a car.  That should get me knocked up in no time!  Hell is seems to work for other people!